Standing here on today’s date, everyone belongs to one profession or another. And there are certain things to keep in mind or abide by if you are working as a professional, be it in a job sector, business line, or any academic field. 

So, we know how technology has made it possible to do any work with just a click on our phone or computer. From booking hotels to applying for a particular job position, technological advancement does it all in no time.

But in a professional world, with millions of people applying and dealing, the question remains – how can one be sure of the other person’s identity? Protecting your company from any kind of fraud is the best you can offer to achieve more in the long run. So, there are some efficient ways by which you can make sure that you are not entertaining any kind of fake in your line of profession. And one of these best and most frequently used methods is phone verification

What is phone verification and how does it work?

It is a process where you verify a phone number and make sure it is authorized under the same name as promised. 

Verification of a phone or phone number not only lets you know that it is a legal number belonging to the right person but also gives you an idea if the respective person is available or reachable in this number. 

In this world of scammers and frauds, names and some papers do not suffice. In this case, verifying people through the phone certainly is a step forward to identify authenticity in a professional line. 

Given phones are a personal asset and every phone number is unique to each and every one, verification through the phone helps to recognize the genuineness of the person you are trading with. 

Phone number verification can work through two ways –

1. PIN confirmation – 

If the verification is done via SMS, then a 6-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number) will be sent to the phone number and the person being verified has to confirm this 6-digit code to the person verifying. 

2. Voice call confirmation – 

Here the person being verified has to answer the call from a certain person or entity which is trying to verify authentication through a phone number.

Why is phone verification important in the professional world?

Verification through phone is a crucial step towards acquiring security and validation in the working space and here are some reasons why is it considered to be so important in the professional world –

1. Authentic identity – 

Verification over the phone gives you clarity about the person, helps you to ensure that it is the same person they are claiming to be. A trustworthy and cooperative company has a better chance of surviving in a professional world than an irresponsible and unorganized one. 

2. Helps save the reputation – 

Authentic people make an authentic company. The longer a company can serve honestly the better its standing in the professional field. Wrong investments in a deceitful entity can cost a company their hard-worked reputation. 

Not verifying people in the professional world can result in a professional disaster. Verification through the phone not only checks better communication but also decreases the chance of being misled or cheated on.