Data governance is a system of an organisation to control data. A good data access governance resource includes personnel and techniques to avoid data mismanagement. Businesses having an effective data governance system ensure minimum data mishandling, low cost of data management, and improved communication system. 

Many organisations don’t know the factors to consider while implementing a data governance program. Here are the essential elements of good data governance.

An Effective Strategy 

The approach to data governance varies from organisation to organisation. The strategy depends on several factors like business culture, the quantity of data stored, and the technology used in the organisation. However, three standard data governance strategies are-

  1. Top-Down Approach: This approach allows the dataflow from the highest level to the rest of the team.
  2. Middle Out Approach: This strategy supports associated data to drive a business result.
  3. Bottom-Up Approach: This strategy controls critical data assets.

However, there is no particular strategy that works for all businesses. Moreover, the business must switch to different strategies over time.

An Efficient Team

An efficient team that includes the leader and other employees governs the data of a company. The Chief Data Officer (CDO) of a company will supervise the entire team to manage the critical data governance tasks. Their responsibility is to connect processes and results to other executives.

Moreover, the data governance team includes data owners, data stewards, and data users.


Another resource to fulfil the data governance duties is technology. The technology of a company brings clear visibility over the company’s data landscape. It tracks and manages data assets with accuracy and reliability. The technology ensures successful data governance. Modern technology governs an incredible amount of data.


The above-mentioned essential elements will maximise the effectiveness of the data governance program within businesses. Therefore, take total control of the data and drive your business forward.