Every year nearly a hundred million websites get created. And out of these 100 million websites, rarely near to 1 percent makes the mark. Rest of these fall futile in the wild ruins of the web. Is it that they take SEO services from, Digital White Labels asked, experts around them? Digital White Labels is best web design and development company and thus we asked them for their expertise in the matter. They said that most of these websites get misled into the darker areas and go lost. The key to digital success is the right knowledge and the right effort. All the websites that fail make a few common mistakes!

WWW figuratively must stand for World Wild Web.

SEO and Web Design mistakes that can ruin you!

So, it was last year when a client came running to us with a look on his face that said, “help me please”. When we delved into the situation we found out that he had run into the hands of a scammer. But how can someone scam in the SEO industry? We asked our client about it and he said that he had bought backlinks in bulk. But we found nothing wrong in it, until he told us how cheap they were. It hit us immediately that he had fallen for the link building trap. It is a decade old scamming technique that still is in the market.

People sell backlinks in bulk at a very very cheap price. It could go as cheap as 100 backlinks for 5 dollars. And people fall for it. Consequently, their rankings to fall brutally. Sometimes the websites even face permanent bans.

The journey to digital success is a terribly tough process. And this is why people often fail to make it. The most common reason being walking the wrong path. Everybody talks about what you must do. But what must you avoid to gain that edge over all? SEO Services from Digital White Labels has been educating people about it for years. And here is what you must avoid.

1 – Overusing the keywords!

It is a general thought process to think that if Google targets keywords, using more of them can help you rank. This technique was so brutally overused by people in the late 2000s that it ruined the quality of the internet. Then Google came to clarify the things and warn against possible repercussions that websites will face.

Earlier Google was not a tech giant and its engines were gentle and weak. In this weakness people found loopholes. Imagine going to read an article about why flamingos have pink color and finding the article stuffed with ‘flamingoes’ and ‘pink color’ throughout. It was happening back then.

Google uses keywords to understand what the content is about. But when you overuse the keywords, it takes it as a signal of manipulation and poor internetship. Consequently, it ranks down the website on SERP. SEO Services from Digital White Labels have found again and again that their clients have been using keywords the wrong way up till.

2 – Targeting head keywords!

One of the most common mistakes that people generally make is to target head keywords at the very start. Head keywords are the keywords that have high search volume and thus high competition. For example, “blue shoes” or “SEO services” is a head keyword. The reason? Because people are lazy and they search for the shortest terms possible to get the highest pleasure possible. Consequently, every business tries targeting these head keywords. The result? Only 5-10 websites end up ranking for these keywords and the rest fall behind. The data is that 90% people never click on the second search page.

What you’d want to do is to take things strategically. Target tail keywords with low competition first. For example, “blue leather shoes with polka dots”. Less people search these specific terms and thus it has low competition. All expert SEO services know this simple thing. Once you have ranked for these, you have some reputation and you may move ahead.

3 – Using website builders!

They are handy and they make one feel like God. Who would not want to brag before their friends like, “Dude. I’ve designed my freakin website myself.”? Although you have built that dreamy website yourself, know that it will be brutally slow.

Website builders are handy but they use a hell lot of scripts to show you the desired results. For example, one research found out that website builders were using four times more scripts to show the same result if had it been done by a web developer. Consequently, websites slow down because it has to load 4 times more script. DigitalWhiteLabels is best web design and development company and it has shown it again and again how super-swift a website designed by a web developer is as against a website builder.

But how does it impact the SERP? Well, here is a simple walkthrough –

  1. Your website is slow
  2. People exit your website when it slow
  3. This leads to higher bounce rate and lower retention rate
  4. Bounce Rate and Retention Rate is a direct ranking factor
  5. Consequently, Google takes it as a bad quality signal and thus values your website less as opposed to others.

Web Design is something that every big player in the market invest into. It is the future of the internet and you’d not want to miss on it, told Digital White Labels.

4 – Writing shallow content!

Many people get this advice that more content leads to a higher ranking. Consequently, people start blogging more and more often. And human greed is such that it wants to do more in less time, less effort, and less cost. This leads to poor quality content that gets written in haste.

Google has clarified this again and again that a website must highly focus on content quality. It is already working on

  • NLP
  • AI
  • Machine Learning

These things are already showing the results. Google’s ability to process natural language will be able to sift poor quality content from high-quality content. It is just like how humans are able to tell a good movie from a bad one.

The time to come is going to be of expertise. And expertise never relies on poor quality. Try to bring value to your customers and this will help you gain fame. It will lead to natural link building and thus your website will rank higher on SERP.

5 – Neglecting SEO

Although you might have heard that SEO is going to die, it is going to stay for many more years to come. SEO is a way to bridge the gap between content and search engine. It helps search engines find the content, understand it, and thus index it. This is the very first stage of gaining digital fame. And you’d not want to ignore it.

SEO is not terribly tough like link building, but it is not so easy either. No Mr. Simply Joe can do it rightly without having adequate knowledge. If you do not have the right knowledge then seek SEO Services from, Digital White Labels advised, experts around you. It will help you have the early edge over others and thus serve you high revenue in years to come.

DigitalWhiteLabels is best web design and development company that has been helping businesses multiply their revenue 4 to 5 times using expert tactics. Consult them if you think your business requires expertise to sprout and grow and thrive.